Source code for fractpy.function

"""A class for performing basic operations on functions."""

import numpy as np
import sympy as sym
from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import (

[docs]class Function: """A class for performing basic operations on given single-variable function. The operations include finding roots, calculating derivative. Parameters ---------- function : str The function of interest (has to be a single variable function). Attributes ---------- function : ``sympy`` expression The function of interest. variable : :obj:`sympy.Symbol` The variable in terms which the function is defined. Notes ----- This class was mainly developed to be used for ``fractpy.models.NewtonFractal`` class. """ def __init__(self, function): self.function = function def __repr__(self): return str(self.function) @property def function(self): return self._function @function.setter def function(self, func): transformations = standard_transformations + ( implicit_multiplication_application, ) expr = parse_expr(func, transformations=transformations) if len(expr.free_symbols) == 1: self._function = expr self._variable = list(expr.free_symbols)[0] else: raise TypeError( func + f" is not a single variable function, \ it has {len(expr.free_symbols)} variables" ) @property def variable(self): return self._variable
[docs] def roots(self): """Calculate roots of the function. Returns ------- list Roots of the function. """ return np.array(list(sym.solveset(self.function, self.variable)), dtype=complex)
[docs] def differentiate(self): """Differentiates the function. Returns ------- ``sympy`` expression Derivative of the function. """ return sym.diff(self.function, self.variable)
def _relative_difference(self): """Computes the expression required for generating Newton fractal i.e. f(x)/f'(x). Returns ------- ``sympy`` expression The sympy expression for the iteration of Newtons' method. """ return self.function / self.differentiate() def _make_python_function(self, function=None, variable=None): """Converts ``sympy`` expression to python functions. This makes it easy to calculate multiple values by passing numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- function : ``sympy`` expression The function which is to be converted (default is the function in the object). variable : :obj:`sympy.Symbol` The variable in terms which the function is defined (default is the variable in the object). Returns ------- function Python function for the given ``sympy`` function. """ if function is None: function = self.function if variable is None: variable = self.variable return sym.lambdify(variable, function) def _rd_python_function(self): """Returns the expression required for generating Newton fractal i.e. f(x)/f'(x) in the form of Python function. Returns ------- function Python function for the iteration of Newtons' method. """ rd = self._relative_difference() return self._make_python_function(rd, self.variable)